Today is the day. From today on, I will dedicate less and less time to social networks. If my sense of nausea was already slowly growing towards places meant to create community, but which have actually transformed into the cesspool of humanity, the events of this past weekend have made me reflect a lot. Both on how we have been slaves for years now to an endless spiral of vanity, and on how we are fueling a system useful for generating disinformation and keeping alive a certain type of truth that is completely meaningless and above all anachronistic.
I have started asking around to friends for their xml files of their RSS feeds. I want to "nourish" myself with value. I want to try to hope that there will be more and more people willing to get off this madness and create their own space, where they can be themselves.
For work reasons, I will have to keep some profiles active, but I will limit myself to using them passively. Everything else will be published here. Except for my photos, for those I have decided (for now) to support foto app, in the hope that it can be free from any social media logic.
Update: very much on the same spot as Cory's here.