From today on the blog has a new small feature, whenever you'll see a ✱ on the title, you'll know that this is an external link pointing to a landing page which is not living on this website, so click it and read through the whole thing.

I was considering to implement this little change from the moment I was planning to use my blog more and more to post small bites of content that I won't publish anywhere else but here.

I wanted to start with this one post from Joan, since it's on point with what I just said:

Personal websites matter - now, more than ever - because we can see, clearly, with our own eyes, what happens when a handful of companies control and own the medium and the message. It gets silenced, suppressed, and subtly reshaped without us. We get caught up in echo chambers, divided from each other, and force-fed content at the lowest common denominator.

Update: For my RSS people (and here too!) at the end of the post a 🔗 will appear with the permalink of my landing page!